Angelos Sioras
Born in Athens in 1992, Angelos Sioras began his musical journey at the age of 4, practicing the violin. After many years of musical experimentation he reached the final decision to go after a career playing the French Horn. Having finished his Studies in Athens, under the guidance of Kostas Siskos, he went on to further his understanding of the instrument with Prof. Will Sanders and Prof.
Hector McDonald at the HfM Karlsruhe and KunstUni Graz respectively. During his studies at the University of Graz he worked at the city's orchestra, the Grazer Philharmoniker/Oper Graz and collaborated with other orchestras around Austria and especially in the city of Vienna. Over the years he has become proficient in period instruments and has a lot of experience playing with well known orchestras that specialize in early music and its "original" sound and musical style.