Ioannis Mageiropoulos
Ioannis (Giannis) Mageiropoulos was born in Heraklion, Crete, in 2005.
He started to practice violin in 2014 under the guidance of Iraklis Thanassis (and by the end of 2016 jointly with Evangelos Papadimitris, a violinist of the State Symphony Orchestra of Thessaloniki).
In February 2020, he continued his practice with the eminent Greek violinist Georgios Demertzis.
In June of 2019 he obtained his degree in Harmony and in July of 2021 he received his Diploma as a violinist.
He has been a member of several orchestral schemes. As a high school student of the Music School of Heraklion participated in the musical scheme Kretaburg. In February of 2020, he joined the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Crete of the Municipality of Heraklion.
After being selected, he was the youngest member of Concertgebouworkest YOUNG 2019, under the auspice of the famous Concertgebouworkest of Amsterdam. With Concertgebouworkest YOUNG he participated in concerts that took place in Amsterdam, Ede, and Brussels, together with internationally acclaimed musicians like the violinist Julian Rachlin and the Spanish conductor Pablo Heras Casado.
Recently, under the guidance of Myron Michailidis, he joined the orchestra Philarmonia for a concert in Heraklion with works by Beethoven.
Since November 2019, he has been a member of the New Cretan Quartet, a creation of Georgios Demertzis. With the New Cretan Quartet he made appearances in Chania and in "Up to eight", a chamber music festival organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki, together with a number of distinguished Greek musicians like G. Demertzis, V. Varvaressos, S. Papanas, A. Papanikolaou and others.